Thursday, April 14, 2011


And we are on to the third limb of Ashtanga Yoga, asanas!  In the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga tradition there are six series of postures. For now, we will concentrate on the Primary Series, known as Yoga Chikitsa (yoga therapy).
"In the Ashtanga system, asanas are performed in a specific order, which has the effect of 'unlocking' the body in an intelligent and scientific way, each pose preparing the body for ones to come.  Each pose has specific health benefits for the practitioner and when combined into a flowing sequence this has the effect of realigning and detoxifying the body and the nervous system as well as developing inner strength, flexibility, and improving general health and wellbeing."
Since becoming a yoga teacher I've learned that a lot of people think they can't do yoga because they aren't flexible.
"The Primary Series is the time in our yogic journey when we have the greatest number of obstacles to overcome. Primarily these obstacles arise out of mental inflexibility; erroneous beliefs about ourselves, others and the world (or God), which inhibit our progress. Most of us will complain that it is our body's limitations that are the problem throughout the Primary Series, but more often than not, rigidity, stiffness, and weakness in the body is a mirror of our limited thinking habits."
For those who don't practice yoga, I would challenge you to give it a try! So what if you can't touch your toes yet?  You can get there if you let go of the negative thoughts. For those who do practice yoga, stop thinking so much! Don't let your mind talk you out of being as awesome as you can be!

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