Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sattvic Diet

In the March 1 post about saucha (purity, cleanliness) I mentioned following a sattvic diet to purify the body. Let's take a look at exactly what that means.

Nature is comprised of three qualities; tama (inertia, obscurity), raja (action), and sattva (purity). When relating to food, these represent putrified, overstimulating, and pure foods, respectively.

"Foods that promote longevity, vitality, endurance, health, cheerfulness, and good appetite; and that are savory, mild, substantial, and agreeable to the body, are liked by the pure-minded (sattvic) persons." Bhagavad Gita XVII, 8

Sattvic foods consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and moderate amounts of dairy products. Food should be mildly seasoned with natural herbs and sweetened with natural sweeteners like honey or apple juice concentrate.  Ideally, foods should be unprocessed and not contain artificial color or preservatives. Sattvic eating habits also include the way in which food is eaten.  Meal times should be quiet and peaceful. Food should be eaten slowly and calmly.

"Foods that are bitter, sour, salty, excessively hot, pungent, hard, and burning are preferred by rajasic men; and produce pain, sorrow, and disease." Bhagavad Gita XVII, 9

Rajasic foods are overstimulating to the mind and body.  Onions, garlic, radishes, coffee, tea, tobacco, heavily spiced or salted, and chemical-ridden foods are considered rajasic. In his commentary on the Gita, Paramahansa Yogananda says, "All such stimulation is not wholly 'bad' and to be fanatically avoided. For the average materially active person, moderation is enjoined."  As with sattvic eating habits, rajasic eating includes the way the food is consumed. Sattvic foods eaten on the run or in a boisterous situation become rajasic. 

"Foods that are nutritionally worthless, insipid, putrid, stale, refuse, and impure and enjoyed by tamasic persons." Bhagavad Gita XVII, 10

Where rajasic foods can be taken in moderation, tamasic foods should, ideally, be removed completely from the diet of those seeking soul reunification. Tamasic foods include those that have been fermented (including alcohol and vinegar), burned, fried, and overcooked.  Unripe or overripe fruits are tamasic in nature. Additionally, meat is also considered tamasic (sorry carnivores). Sattvic foods taken in excess become tamasic.

Most people understand the difference between foods that are healthy and those that are not. What I would encourage taking from this is how sattvic foods can become rajasic or tamasic.  A lot of people I know eat dinner, or at the very least snack, in front of the t.v.  Changing this one habit - creating a peaceful eating environment - can make a world of difference in how you eat and how your body uses those nutrients.

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