Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Utthita Trikonasana

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Utthita Trikonasana
  1. Stand in Tadasana
  2. Jump or step both feet approximately 3 feet apart
  3. Keeping hips squared, rotate the right foot 90 degrees, pointing toes directly to the side
  4. Inhale; raise both arms to shoulder level, parallel to the floor
  5. Exhale; stretch the body to the right, bending at the hip. Place the right hand on the shin or grip the big toe.
  6. Extend the left arm towards the ceiling, rotate the neck, gazing up at the left hand.
  7. Hold for 5 breaths
  8. Turn head back to front
  9. Inhale; bring the body upright
  10. Exhale; lower both arms to side, jump or step feet together to Tadasana
  11. Repeat on left side

Main Points:
  • Body in a single plane
  • Chest open
  • Hips open
  • Weight even on both feet
  • Dristi on the upper hand

The most important point to remember in Utthita Trikonasana is to keep the body in a single plane! The most common problems with this pose revolve around this one concept. All of the "wrong" photos have both mistakes in them, one is just a bit more easily seen from each angle.

Problem No. 1 - Hips turned in

Extended Triangle Pose places a strong stretch along the entire length of the side-body. Often we will try to reach farther towards the mat than our current flexibility allows. To compensate, our hips rotate inward. Practicing against a wall is a great way to work on maintaining alignment.

Hip turned in = WRONG
Hip opened out = RIGHT!
Practice against wall

Problem No. 2 - Shoulders turned in, chest caved in
Scapulae should be together and down! Sound familiar? Think about extending the wrists away from each other. This will help with your extension and expansion across the chest and upper back.

Shoulder/Chest in = WRONG
Shoulder/Chest open = RIGHT!

Don't worry about getting your hand all the way to floor in the beginning. Practicing proper alignment is key. If you keep working on performing it correctly, the full pose will come on its own!

Beginners Variation - Hand to Shin

Utthita Trikonasana tones the muscles of the legs and relieves stiffness in the legs and hips. This pose relieves backaches and neck sprains. It also strengthens the ankles and improves flexibility in the hips.

Sciatica, recent or chronic hip injury

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