Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cleanse with Dr. Potter

Today is day one (for me) on the cleanse my sister's clinic is doing! I'm excited about it and will keep you all up to date as it goes along. If you would like to check out what we're doing you can find more information on Dr. Jennifer Potter's website under "About Us" - "Special Offers".

I won't get into details about what the cleanse entails on here as you should consult your physician before participating in anything like this. I will, however, be talking about my experiences so you can determine if it's something you're interested in discussing with your health care provider. This cleanse is intended to detoxify the liver.

I figured this would also be a good time to discuss yogic cleansing techniques, so stay tuned this week for more information on the six kriyas:

  1. Neti - nasal cleansing
  2. Nauli - abdominal churning
  3. Dhauti - upper digestive tract cleansing
  4. Basti - colon cleansing
  5. Kapalabhati - cleansing of lungs and bronchial tubes
  6. Tratak - steady gazing
All kriyas are especially beneficial during fasting as they speed up the detoxification process. 

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