Saturday, January 28, 2012

Full Awareness in Fatigue

Everyone has tired days, including yoga teachers. But if you can find the motivation to get your mat out, a good practice can really revitalize you. And as with all aspects of yoga, there is something valuable to be learned when you practice through fatigue.

A lot of injuries occur when people are tired. This is generally due to a lack of concentration. However, if you approach your practice knowing that you are tired you can turn it around to bring even more focus to your mind. This past Thursday I was tuckered out. All I wanted to do all day was curl up and take a nap. I resisted the urge though and ended up having a great practice. The key was to slow my practice down, just a bit. I still moved on each breath, I just stretched it out so I could really focus on alignment, technique, breath, and dristhi. Giving myself something to fully concentrate on (moving into dharana) ensured that my mind wasn't wandering. Even on days when we're bursting with energy, there is knowledge to be found in slowing down our day and really being present.

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