Monday, January 2, 2012

Endless Opportunities

I started looking for local organizations that need volunteers today. Wow! There's so much you can do here as a volunteer! The hard part will be deciding where to begin. I'm the kind of person that is prone to overdoing things in my excitement, so I want to make sure of two things:

  1. It's a commitment I can regularly keep given the studio schedule
  2. I am not replacing any part of my existing practice with service; this is an addition, not a substitution
I have it narrowed down to a few options. I'll start getting in touch with people tomorrow. (Who knew today was a holiday?!) Ideally, I would like to find something (or start something) that I can use my yoga skills and knowledge for, but for now I'm just going to get out there and start working wherever the need is. I'm confident that I will be led in the right direction at the right time.

Interested in volunteering where you are? Check these out:
There are literally thousands more! Go online and see what's happening near you! =) 

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