Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day Seven - Reading Labels

Day seven of the cleanse was a tough one! I had to grocery shopping, but I was confident in my ability to find foods on my "include" list given the success I had last week. I was able to find the staples, but I wanted to try some new things this week so I started reading labels to see what I could include. Not much! It's amazing how many products have either soy or sugar in them! I even had to look for nuts in the cooking section because all of the "snack nuts" had other stuff in them. I also made a little mistake and went to the store when all their baked goods were coming out of the oven. Hello bread cravings. But, I made it out of there with a healthy supply of cleanse-friendly foods for the upcoming week.

Learning about all the junk that's included in "healthy" food makes me want to start making everything from scratch. I'm appalled at what goes into foods and that I never realized it before! Lesson learned.

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