Sunday, January 1, 2012

Purification in Service

A few days ago I started thinking about what to blog in the new year. I was considering writing some sort of yoga "challenge." I mean that's what people do in January, right? We push ourselves for a month or so trying to attain whatever goal we set on New Year's Eve. Well, fortunately, I've been led in a new direction that will *hopefully* carry not only this blog but my own spiritual journey throughout 2012 and many years to come.
"It is difficult to find a better method for mental and spiritual purification than serving others without regard of reward. Passive goodness is insufficient. Active service is essential for one's spiritual growth. Give as the sun, as the trees, as the flowers, that we may sustain and perpetuate the evolutionary cycle of the universe and its strongest force, which is love. Love vibrates in the form of service. Regard others' happiness and pain as your own. There is not stranger nor alien in this world. We are all in the process of evolution. As you develop this spirit of selflessness, ideas of egoism and 'mine-ness' melt."
I don't really believe in making New Year's resolutions, but this year I am resolving to extend my service where I can; to make my goal learning, not achieving. And my blog is going to be a chronicle of my experiences and what I learn about myself and others along the way. (Don't worry, the other stuff you loved last year will still be here, too!)

Happy New Year, everyone!

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